Puneeth Rajkumar, fondly called as "Appu" is the youngest son of the legendary Rajkumar. One of the most popular contemporary Kannada film heroes, he too, like most of his colleagues has a title. Power Star! His "Prithvi" happens to be a favorite film of mine. I loved him in the TV show "Kannadada Kotyaadhipati" where he has wowed the audience with his simple, natural persona and friendly demeanor!
Puneeth Rajkumar, fondly called as "Appu" is the youngest son of the legendary Rajkumar. One of the most popular contemporary Kannada film heroes, he too, like most of his colleagues has a title. Power Star! His "Prithvi" happens to be a favorite film of mine. I loved him in the TV show "Kannadada Kotyaadhipati" where he has wowed the audience with his simple, natural persona and friendly demeanor!