The yesteryear actress Manjula, graces the back of this auto, along with Kannada's most loved comedian Narasimharaju. Manjula acted in over 100 films, her most prolific pairing was with Srinath.Her other notable collaborations were with Vishnuvardhan, Rajkumar and ShankarNag. Her popular films include Sampattige Saval (the movie that established Rajkumar as a singer - which had G K Venkatesh's peppy "Yaare Koogadali"), Mayura, Daari Thappida Maga, Srinivasa Kalyana, Eradu Kanasu, Seetharamu, Sose Thanda Sowbhagya, Besuge, Singapoorinalli Raja Kulla, Kittu Puttu, Preethi Maadu Thamashe Nodu. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the Internet has very little information about this actress.