Mumtaz Begum Jehan Dehlavi, popularly known as "Madhubala", adorns the backside of this lucky auto. Also called the "Venus of Indian Cinema" among millions of other adjectives, she is perhaps the most luminous and alluring face Indian Cinema has seen till now! It is so ironically tragic that the beauty who stole millions of hearts, had to die of a heart ailment at the age of 36.
Watch this gem, where the ethereal Madhubala creates celluloid magic in a divine Bade Ghulam Ali Khan classic:
Trivia time:Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, who was known to have utter disregard for cinema songs, demanded an exorbitant amount of Rs.10000 for this song, as he found no other way to avoid a very tenacious K Asif who used to pester him relentlessly. To his surprise, he found K Asif agreeing immediately to pay that amount, at a time when the top singers of that generation like Rafi and Lata were getting Rs. 500 for a song. Listen to this song by closing your eyes and you will realize that it was worth every single paisa!